KTEB ATCT Manager Requests Use of GA Preferred Southbound Routings to Mitigate Departure Gate Congestion

From FAA ATCT Manager Matt Petersen:

“I am reaching out with a request for your assistance in alleviating expected congestion in the airspace for aircraft flying southbound to Florida and the Caribbean over the next three days. I anticipate significant traffic over the WHITE departure gate and would greatly appreciate it if you could encourage pilots to file routes over alternate departure gates to help ease the flow of air traffic.

To mitigate delays and reduce congestion, we are kindly requesting that aircraft file their flight plans over one of the following alternate departure fixes: LANNA, PARKE, or DIXIE.  DIXIE is only available to aircraft that are deep water capable. Ideally, aircraft filing over the LANNA or PARKE routings are landing on either the west coast of Florida or Central Florida, while aircraft filing over DIXIE are landing on the east coast of Florida south of Daytona Beach (DAB) or the Caribbean.

By utilizing these alternate fixes, we can expedite departures from the FBO ramps and help minimize delays caused by minute-in-trail restrictions over the WHITE departure gate. Your cooperation in communicating this routing change to pilots will greatly assist in achieving smoother operations and reducing congestion at the runway.

I sincerely appreciate any support you can offer in this matter.

Please find below the GA south bound Flyer developed by the FAA.”

For any questions or concerns please contact:
Teterboro Air Traffic Control Tower at (201) 426-9457
Teterboro Airport Operations at (201) 288-1775 Ext. 3


  1. Francis McGrath on December 30, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    Good afternoon.
    I am unable to access the document above for GA’s Going South. From the way it is worded (attached FAA flyer) I would be able to download it here. However, I am unable. I have not been able to find it online either.
    Some thoughts/recommendations for either would be appreciated.
    Thank you and Happy New Year.

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