KTEB to Begin Use of WENTZ 1 RNAV SID for Rwy 24

On Monday, August 19, flight crews departing KTEB Rwy 24 can expect to be cleared to fly the WENTZ 1 RNAV SID. Required ATC training will have been completed, though the RUUDY 6 will remain as a fallback for some time should unforeseen circumstances necessitate its use.

Two specific reminders for operators as you prepare to execute the WENTZ 1:

  • The top altitude for WENTZ is 1500’ – be sure to level off, and do NOT continue your climb until authorized by ATC.
  • There are NO left hand turnouts on this procedure – be sure you do not make a left hand turn as you will end up in EWR traffic flow.

Please review the new chart carefully, brief comprehensively regarding lateral/vertical mode usage and crew coordination, and enjoy this simplified procedure.

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