Teterboro Airport’s New Air Traffic Control Tower
On October 20, 2024, Teterboro’s new ATCT became operational, and offers Controllers the space, technology and visibility to maximize safety and efficiency. Soon, the ADS-B based traffic display will also become operational, further enhancing Controller situational awareness. The old Tower is slated for demolition. For more information regarding the advantages afforded by the new Tower, please click here to read NBAA’s associated article.

On October 29, TUG President Dave Belastock had the opportunity to tour of the new facility with Acting Tower Manager Matt Peterson, and also met with PANYNJ NY/NJ Delay Reduction Program Manager Ralph Tamburro and KTEB Manager Airport Operations and Security Scott Marsh. In the short term, please be patient as Controllers adapt to their new space and capabilities. Transition aside, Teterboro’s new state-of-the-art Tower will clearly benefit airport users, operators and the surrounding communities for decades to come!